Summer road maintenance equipment

Road widener HYDROG DG-3000
HYDROG Road Wideners are intended for high efficiency paving with aggregate, breakstone, gravel, reclaimed asphalt pavement, dry concrete, and hot bituminous concrete with temperature up to 200 °C.
Working capacity- 6-12 km / day
Carriers: loaders, backhoe loaders, tractors, graders, Unimog, etc.
HYDROG DG-3000 is intended for highly effective paving with aggregate, breakstone, gravel, reclaimed asphalt pavement, dry concrete, and hot bituminous concrete with temperature up to 200 °C. The large productivity (6-12 km / day) is achievable with a team of only 3 workers. Using this machine has a significant overrun before hand-stacking or using a grader.The connection of the road widener to the carrier is made by special adapter plate. The machine works in conjunctions with tipper truck based on its front bumper. The material is thrown to the side with a conveyor belt, and then it is formed and spread by the spreading blade. HYDROG banquet solution has high power (PERKINS 34 HP diesel engine), ensures efficient operation at high load, low fuel consumption - 3 l / h (depending on operation) and easy support. Thanks to the changed connections, the machine can be mounted on all systems.
Material hooper width: 3200 or 2900 mm
Working width: smooth adjustment 0 ÷ 1.500 mm, option 0 ÷ 2.000 mm
Height of the spreading layer: -/+300 mm relative to road level, smooth adjustment
Slope of the layer: +/- 10% smooth adjustment
Layers geometry adjusting: Hydraulic from the operating positions
Lay down speed: Up to 50 m/min
Lay down capacity: Up to 300 t/h
Maximum working dimensions: 2.820 x 4.970 mm
Transport dimensions: 2.350 x 3.400 mm
Height: 1.890 mm
Weight: 2.700 kg
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