Summer road maintenance equipment

Cracksealing machine HYDROG ZSK-500

Cracksealing machine HYDROG ZSK-500

The cracksealing machine HYDROG ZSK-500 is designed for sealing bitumen mastic structure edges with bituminous crack and joint sealant, repair of bituminous and concrete pavement cracks etc.

Technical data:

Tank capacity: 500 l
Insulation of tank and pump chamber: mineral wool, 50mm
Tank casing: aluminum - steel
Tank filling: through the upper hatch with safety cover
Mass heating: indirect - thermal oil
Heating: Electric oil-burner in a closed casing
Burner control: automatic-thermostat
The maximum mass heating temperature: 240°C
Mass mixing: vertical mixer with hydraulic drive
Mass dosing: hydraulically driven pump
Sealing lance: with flow efficiency valve
Internal combustion engine: Briggs & Stratton Vanguard 34 HP petrol
Source of compressed Air: compressor with disconnectable drive + compressed air tanks
Self-supporting construction on its own frame dedicated to load-carrying body or trailers
Working lights + warning orange flash
Dimensions (L x W x H) 2608x 1450 x 1750 mm Weight: 1600 kg


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