Mijloace tehnice de construcții

DC and Bi-Energy models Z-booms

DC and Bi-Energy models Z-booms

Multiple power options meet the demands of a variety of indoor and outdoor applications.

The DC machines offer quiet, emission-free operations in the most sensitive work environments. For industrial applications where the machine must be driven significant distances, the Genie hybrid, bi-energy system combines the benefits of a 48V DC machine with the versatility of a diesel-powered generator. These units handle challenging jobs all day long, giving you the power to get where you need to go quickly and easily with soft-riding pneumatic tyres, excellent manoeuvrability and zero tailswing.
Optional non-marking Air- and foam-filled tyres also make these models great for industrial applications.
Working heights range: from 12,52 to 15,94 m.
Lift capacity: 227 kg.

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